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Richland Creek Antique Power Association was organized in 1996, by a group of men and women in Saluda, SC, to preserve and re-create life on the farm from yesteryear. Members of the association meet year-round to plan for upcoming events and to enjoy social time together.

The association hosts an annual fall festival where people can learn about farming through sights and conversations with others who remember the days when farms were plentiful. When compared to today's complex farm machines, those on display each year at the festival are quite simple. However, for farmers using those simple tools it meant power - an improved power - free from the use of horses and mules. Equipment and craftsmen at each festival display old ways of rural farm production passed down from previous generations. Members of the Richland Creek Antique Power Association freely give of their time and talents to make this presentation for older generations to reflect upon and for the education of younger generations.

We invite you to join us at this year's Richland Creek Antique Fall Festival on November 5, 6 & 7, 2021!





Chad Berry
6370 Duncan Road
Saluda, SC 29138
email:  cberry15@windstream.net

Alex Berry
email:  alex@goldenhillsgolf.com



©2009 Richland Creek Antiques

803.730.0702    •     803.834.9076